BEC Home
Site Map
BEC Site Map
News and Events
currently in Beaconsfield or nearby
of the Beaconsfield Environmental Committee
Known and suspected health hazards
Beaconsfield/Baie d'Urfé pesticide by-law
Organic lawn care
- seasonal care tips and local company guides
White Grub
- in your lawn and what to do about it
Organic gardening
- seasonal care
Organic pest control
- ideas and references
Useful weeds
- medicinal and other uses of common weeds
- how to set up and maintain a composter
Organic consumer
- where to obtain the following around Montréal.
Organic gardening products and services
(e.g. organic fertilizers, pesticides, lawn-care services)
Organic foods
Organic cleaning ideas
Re-use and recycle ideas
Water conservation
for indoors and outdoors.
Links & info sources
: Links to like-minded and useful sites, as well as local (mostly West Island of Montréal) information sources.
What you can do
in the fight for a healthy environment
About us
- who we are, can we help you